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Transforming Financial Planning

“I will sort it out” – Is something I say often, and I don’t just say it, but do sort it out. It is a statement that has given me a lot of diversity in my role and given me the opportunity to learn a lot of new things. 

Being someone who will sort it out is not as simple as applying for a job as a manager. It takes being analytical, but also driven, focused and willing to take ownership of the problem. It requires a level head that remains cool under pressure, and if anything copes better in a high pressure situation as that is when you need them most.

My job had a title of “financial planning manager” but I always liked to think of my job as “keep the financial planner in front of the clients and out of the office”. In my eyes financial planners have 2 roles, build a relationship with a client, and maintain a relationship with the client, any tasks that do not fall into that category can be outsourced to someone else that is better suited to the task, more cost effective than a financial planner, or automated.I became so good at automating and outsourcing to other staff members that I ended up resigning due to not enough work for me to do, and leaving the financial planner able to complete all of their reviews in less than half the year with only a part time paraplanner.So now I have taken my skills and knowledge to the outside world and looking to help other businesses put in place systems and processes that will reduce the work load of the financial planner and other staff in the office and reduce key staff dependency. In addition to this they should increase compliance and the service offered to clients.Doing this requires knowledge of all aspects of the business and industry, to make sure that each task is being performed in a compliant manner, whilst also having a sales and marketing focus and presenting the image your company would like to put forward, whilst utilising the best technology to ensure it is done in the most efficient manner.

  • Master of Business Administration

  • Master of Applied Finance (Financial Planning)

  • Diploma of Financial Services (Financial Planning)

  • Fellow member of Finsia​

  • MBA, F Fin, MAppFin (Fin. Plan.), DFS (Fin. Plan)

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PO Box 6188

Frenchs Forest DC

NSW 2086​


m: 0411 485 873

p: (02) 9188 7877

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